Diplomatiets svar på 'De Tre Tenorer'

... jeg laver naturligvis en fyldestgørende reportage fra dette spændende arrangement, hvor jeg også håber at kunne bringe nogle photos.

Indigo Gallery cordially invites you to a photo exhibition and sale

"More than Ambassadors"

photographs by

H.E. Nancy J. Powell
H.E. Finn Thinsted
H.E. Rakesh Sood

Indigo Gallery
(above Mike's Breakfast)

Opening: 5:30pm, Friday, July 3rd, 2009
Showing: July 4 -July 19th
Gallery Hours Daily 8am to 6pm (4413-580)
(All proceeds from sales will be donated to a charitable Organization}

When I asked the present US Ambassador, Nancy J. Powell, about showing her photography at Indigo Gallery, she proposed to expand the concept to include two other Ambassadors who also enjoy photography. It was just a few weeks ago and I am delighted that all were willing and able to give the effort to pull this show together to share with you. The title "More than Ambassadors" suggests that along with representing their countries, these women and men are also keen observers of culture and humanity. This is amply demonstrated in their photography, which I am honored to present. Their personal statements are presented, below.

- James Giambrone, Director of Indigo Gallery

H.E. Nancy J. Powell, Ambassador of The United States of America
Although I have had a camera since I was in grade school, I did not really become interested in photography until I joined the Foreign Service. The photos and slides served mainly as reminders of the places where I have served and traveled and the friends I’ve met.

The introduction of digital photography really revolutionized my interest and made me a more serious student. I love the instant gratification of knowing whether or not the shot was good or bad. I’ve had great fun here in Nepal sharing the experience with the people whose picture I’ve just taken and enjoy the challenge of improving the images in the computer.

I feel that viewing the world through a lens has helped me slow down and see people and details that I would have missed otherwise. Nepal remains a photographer’s paradise with its beautiful and incredibly tolerant people, its fascinating cultural artifacts and architecture, and its amazing landscapes from Chitwan to Mustang. My photos will bring back many pleasant memories of my time in Nepal.

Finn Thilsted, Ambassador of Denmark
I was six years old when my Grandfather took me to the Copenhagen Zoo and I borrowed his box camera. It was the first time I held a camera in my hands and I was very excited. I took some photos of the animals, not knowing that one day I would be able to photograph these animals in their natural habitats. When I was about 12 years old, I got an Agfa camera and later a Voigtländer, and I started to take colour slides. In high school, I took photo classes to learn about the theory of photography. In 1968, I began working as a tour guide in Tunisia and bought my first Nikon, a Nikkormat. Since then, I have always used Nikon cameras, and today I use a Nikon D 700.

I take my camera with me on all my travels. However, at times, I find that the SLR is too heavy and cumbersome. I have tried using smaller cameras, but realize, of course, that the lens is the most important part of a camera, and good lenses are bulky.

As a diplomat, the camera is a good instrument in getting to know a country. Taking photos gives one the opportunity to concentrate on seeing the details and characteristics of the people and landscape. A photo gives enjoyment with its colours, and tells a story, and sometimes the combination of these elements can be very forceful.

Being in Nepal gives many opportunities to take photos, and here it is much easier to take photos of people than in Kenya, where many people do not want to be photographed, and at times can be very aggressive; however, the animals did not mind!

H. E. Rakesh Sood, Ambassador of India
I started playing around with my father’s twin-lens reflex 40 years ago, using black & white film. The thrill of that was to be able to do my own developing and printing. Switching to colour film nearly 10 years later meant losing the pleasure of watching the picture emerge as it was washed and fixed in the dark room. With digital photography, I hope to re-capture that feeling…. if I can learn how to use Photoshop!

Photographs are wonderful means of evoking memories. As diplomats, we travel from place to place and, seldom return. These pictures bring back memories and with them, emotions.

Till I came to Nepal, Afghanistan had been my most challenging and also rewarding assignment. The landscape is amazing – from high barren mountains to fruit orchards by babbling streams to burning deserts. The faces of the people reflect the turbulent history of this land. I hope these pictures convey a small part of this amazing land and its brave people


  1. Spændende!! Det er også et helt specielt folkefærd... Jeg var netop til den Belgiske Ambassadørs afskedsmiddag i går aftes og blandt 20 mennesker blev der holdt taler på 5 forskellige sprog og der blev under middagen talt om politik, kultur og religion på 10 forskellige sprog, som om det var helt normalt... Fang det på et foto og successen er klar!


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